Dr. Sven Bilen
Planetary Technology and Engineering
Space systems design; electrodynamic-tethers; spacecraft–plasma interactions and student space hardware development.
Dr. Huanyu (Larry) Cheng
Planetary Technology and Engineering
Huanyu (Larry) Cheng is an Assistant Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
Design, fabrication, and application of deformable multimodal sensors and devices.
Dr. Kenneth Davis
Planetary Atmospheres and Exospheres
Sources and sinks of carbon dioxide and methane in the earth’s climate system.
Dr. Min Ding
Planetary Technology and Engineering
Visual analytics to study images and videos taken from planetary explorations.
Dr. Bradford Foley
Planetary Interiors and Surfaces
The evolution of the Earth and other rocky planets.
Dr. Kate Freeman
Planetary Interiors and Surfaces,
Planetary Technology and Engineering
Kate Freeman is an Evan Pugh University Professor of Geosciences in the Department of Geosciences.
Fossil molecules and their stable isotopes, the carbon cycle, microbial biogeochemistry, and the instrumentation for signatures of life on Earth and beyond.
Dr. Steven Greybush
Planetary Atmospheres and Exospheres
Numerical weather modeling, data assimilation, and planetary atmospheres, specifically weather on Earth and Mars.
Dr. Liz Hajek
Planetary Interiors and Surfaces
Evolution of landscapes including autogenic processes in sedimentary systems.
Dr. Christopher H. House
Planetary Interiors and Surfaces
Microbial geochemistry and biosignatures, Solar system exploration, and Astrobiology.
Dr. Tim Kane
Optical Remote Sensing, free-space optical communication, and imaging.
Dr. Jim Kasting
Planetary Atmospheres and Exospheres
Jim Kasting is an Evan Pugh University Professor Emeritus in the Department of Geosciences.
Planetary atmospheres and paleoclimate modeling.
Dr. Jack Langelaan
Planetary Technology and Engineering
Autonomous Flight and UAVs including the NASA Dragonfly mission to Titan.
Dr. Jennifer Macalady
Planetary Interiors and Surfaces
Jennifer Macalady is a Associate Professor of Geosciences, and Director of Penn State’s Astrobiology Research Center (ARC).
The behavior and evolution of microorganisms.
Dr. Christopher Palma
Astronomy and Planetary Science Education Research
Astronomy and planetary science education research.
Dr. Aleksandra Radlinska
Planetary Technology and Engineering
Aleksandra Radlinska is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Development of binders and 3D printing processes for extraterrestrial infrastructure.
Dr. Alexander Rattner
Planetary Technology and Engineering
Power generation and thermal management systems for extreme space and planetary environments.
Dr. Jesse Reimink
Planetary Interiors and Surfaces
Petrology, isotope geochemistry, and new mass spectrometry techniques to answer fundamental questions about the origin of terrestrial planets.
Dr. Sven Schmitz
Planetary Technology and Engineering
Basic and applied research in computational fluid dynamics and wind energy.
Dr. James Tutt
Planetary Technology and Engineering
Detector development for space environments.
Dr. Julio Urbina
Planetary Technology and Engineering
Electromagnetics, remote Sensing and Space Systems.
Dr. Shujie Wang
Planetary Interiors and Surfaces
Dynamics and interactions between the cryosphere and climate systems.
Dr. Darren Williams
Planetary Atmospheres and Exospheres
Climates, orbits, observable characteristics, and dynamical evolution of planets and satellites.
Dr. George Young
Planetary Atmospheres and Exospheres
Buoyancy and terrain driven atmospheric flows including fronts, thunderstorms, buoyancy waves, density currents and boundary layer convection.
Dr. Tieyuan Zhu
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Tieyuan Zhu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geosciences.