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Planetary Interiors and Surfaces

The Planetary Atmospheres and Exospheres group of the PSSC explores the surfaces of the terrestrial planets and moons of our Solar System, as well as works to understand the geophysical processes that enable such worlds to be active, changing, and dynamic. Shown here, such work includes the mudstone and sandstone sediments of Gale Crater, Mars, protoplanets such as Ceres, and Ocean Worlds like Enceladus.
Curiosity Rover's Selfie at Mont Mercou, Gale Crater, Mars
Curiosity Rover’s Selfie at Mont Mercou, Gale Crater, Mars.
Occator Crater on Ceres with bight salt deposits deposits from recent activity
Occator Crater on Ceres with bight salt deposits from recent activity.
Saturn's moon Enceladus, an active ocean world
Saturn’s moon Enceladus, an active ocean world.
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