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Julio Urbina (Photo)

Julio Urbina

Phone: 814-863-5326
Office Address: 330 Electrical Engineering East
Title: Associate Professor
Unit: School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Electrical Engineering

Research Interests:

  • Electromagnetics
  • Remote Sensing and Space Systems


Prof. Urbina has experience in electromagnetic wave propagation, digital systems and space instrumentation, RF hardware, cognitive radars, smart sensing, software-defined-radio, small drones, harmonic radars, and reconfigurable instrumentation. His recent research interests include the importance of the meteoroid mass flux to upper atmosphere aeronomy, to weather (e.g., global electric circuit), and to the earth organism (e.g., plankton blooms in high latitude oceans), space science, space weather effects, space communications in the earth’s upper atmosphere, and studied of all types of waves and the net role in transporting energy. His work in this area leverages advances in open source hardware and software tools, software-defined radios, machine learning techniques, to create state of the art instrumentation to deploy them around the world. Dr. Urbina’s lab evaluates methods used to design conventional radar systems for classical remote sensing of targets located in the far-field of the EM sources as well as non-conventional radar systems that are needed to study targets located in the near field of EM sources.

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