Min Ding
Email: mqd9@psu.edu
Phone: 814-865-0622
Office Address: 408 Business Building
Title: Bard Professor in Marketing, Affiliate Professor of Information Sciences and Technology
Unit: Smeal College of Business
Research Interests:
- Visual analytics and audio analytics
- Deep Learning
- Logical Creativity and Innovation
- Biopharmaceutical Industry
- Public Policy and Communication Strategy
Related to planetary science, one of my main interests is to use visual analytics to study images and videos taken from planetary explorations. Specifically, use deep learning methods to identify patterns that human eyes may not be able to identify, and/or build scalable models to automatically screen large amounts of visual data for interesting evidence. I am also interested in studying how public (and policy makers) reacts to scientific proposals (e.g., building a new radio telescope) and findings (e.g., Venus may have supported life in the past) related to planetary sciences, and use these findings to guide effective communication strategies by the planetary science community to the general public, enhancing their interests and engagement.
Min Ding is Bard Professor of Marketing at Smeal College of Business, and Affiliate Professor at College of Information Sciences and Technology, the Pennsylvania State University. Min received his Ph.D. in Marketing (with a 2nd concentration in Health Care System) from Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania (2001), his Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from the Ohio State University (1996), and his B.S. in Genetics and Genetic Engineering from Fudan University (1989).